River Rage Site Plan

Danyon Reed



At River Rage, we are prepared to deliver the adrenaline rush our customers crave. Our experienced guides and staff will help them customize their rafting experience to match their thrill level.


Who are the target customers? Describe their life (or business) situation (age, financial situation, interests, and so on).

Our customers are 18 or older. They live life on the edge and need a good thrill. If they can pay, we can deliver.

What do they want?

They want to feel like they've been injected with an epipen without having to deal with the expense or experience of a hospital visit.

What do they expect to find or what questions will be answered by them accessing the website?

Customers will find example trips and costs, as well as links to ask questions or book their next trip.


Website Logo

Rafting Site Logo

Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL:https://coolors.co/0b0014-c44536-e4ff1a-edf7f6

  1. Primary—#0B0014 Licorice
  2. Secondary—#C44536 Persian Red
  3. Accent 1—#E4FF1A Lemon Lime
  4. Accent 2—#EDF7F6 Azure (web)


Headings Example Font

Normal Text/Paragraph Example Font

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Colored Callout Example Font

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.



Home Page Wireframe

Home Page Wireframe Example Design

About Us Wireframe

About Us Page Wireframe Design